Virtual Expressions Subscription plans: Where Every Message Matters

In the fast-paced digital world, finding genuine connections is more important than ever. Virtual Expressions offers a heartfelt way to ensure your messages not only reach their destination but truly resonate. With a suite of subscription plans tailored to every need, including the soulful touch of spoken word content, we help you convey emotions that words alone cannot capture. Whether it’s a personal note or a branded corporate message, make it meaningful with Virtual Expressions.

Virtual Expressions E-Cards

  • Ideal for those new to Virtual Expressions, this plan offers a curated selection of e-cards that are perfect for daily connections and special moments. Each card is thoughtfully designed to convey deep meaning and touch hearts.

Audio E-Cards

  • This plan enhances your experience by offering an expanded selection of e-cards, including exclusive audio e-cards. It’s designed for those who want to deepen their expressions and make each message even more impactful.

All E-Cards

(Save over 23% with an annual commitment)

  • As the most comprehensive offering, the Premium Plan provides unlimited access to our entire collection of e-cards, ensuring you can always find the perfect way to express your thoughts and feelings. This plan includes:
    • Exclusive Spoken Word Content: Experience the emotive power of poetry and spoken word in our specially designed e-cards.
    • Custom Creations: Customize up to 4 e-cards annually, perfect for making those really important moments even more memorable.Availability of specific designs may vary.
    • Inspirational eBook: Start each day with a motivational boost from our exclusive eBook, featuring 31 inspiring quotes—one for each day.
    • Early Access & Exclusive Content: Be the first to access our latest designs and exclusive content, setting your messages apart from the rest.
Sign up for your subscription today and start sending E-cards that truly express your feelings.

Business Branding Add-On

For businesses looking to make an impact, our Business Branding option adds a personal touch to your communications.
Integrate your branding with our e-cards, blending heartfelt messages with your unique brand identity.

Monthly Premium Option

Reflecting a 30% premium on the standard monthly rate.

Annual Premium Option

Combine annual savings with a consistent and compelling brand message.

Why Choose Virtual Expressions?

Virtual Expressions goes beyond digital communication, offering a platform for messages that truly resonate. From individuals seeking to deepen connections to businesses aiming to make a meaningful impression, our services are designed to elevate every message into a memorable experience.
Embrace the art of meaningful communication with Virtual Expressions.
Join us in making every message a testament to care, connection, and the indelible human touch.